Why Should We Need Sufficient Sleep?

November 12, 2022 10,415 views

Sleep is essential to any processes in our body. It gives way to our body system to regain energy that will be used in our daily activities. It is truly interdisciplinary because it touches every aspect in health.

Sleep provides us energy and immunity from any diseases that may harm our health. It is much important as well as diet and exercise. Diet might help us in vitamins and protein consumption. Exercise maintains our physical health and make our body systems work efficiently. As we exercise, we sweat a lot and feels tiredness. It is because we almost used up our energy in doing physical activities.

Sleep is a good way in regaining body’s energy. Good sleep improves your brain performance in terms of thinking, mood, and health.

Having insufficient hours of sleep regularly could raise the risk of having short-term memory, and any other mental illnesses.

It might lead us in possible heart problem and even dementia.

Dementia is a general term for impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions. If we don’t take it seriously, it would lead us to more serious illness.

Why should we really need enough sleep? Sleep helps our brain functions normally and helps our thinking process actively. It also keeps our emotions in check or stable. It reduces risk of getting mental illnesses and even cardiac problems. Sleep can also keep our weight under control.

Sleep has a direct effect in one’s body weight. Insufficient sleep is sometimes the cause of weight loss. It leads to weight loss because it can no longer perform bodily functions well. It doesn’t have enough energy to supply the body system who needs it. If the body cannot acquire enough energy, all body systems will be affected.

Bones can no longer produce red blood cells from their bone marrow. Heart can’t pump enough blood throughout the body. That’s why sufficient sleep should be practice by all of us because health is wealth.