Vegetables And Fruits For Healthier Future

November 12, 2022 33,741 views

As we age, we become more conscious in our body. We want to look fit and healthy. People tend to go on gyms to do physical workout and burn their fats. But what could really make people healthy?

As we all know, proper exercise and healthy diet makes our body strong. Healthy diet consists of different source of protein and vitamins such as meat, vegetables, and fruits.

Aside from eggs, meats are also source of protein which makes our muscles strong. Vegetables and fruits are widely known as part of the balanced diet that can help you stay fit and healthy. Consuming vegetables and fruits everyday can lower the risk of getting serious health problems, such as heart diseases, stroke, and various types of cancer.

Vegetables and fruits are good source of vitamins and minerals.

Citrus fruits like oranges are great source of vitamin C which fights bacteria and viruses inside our body.

Vegetables and fruits are usually low in carbohydrates and calories which makes them good for maintaning body weight. They tastes delicious and there’s so much variety to choose from.

It is good to consume vegetables and fruits when they are freshly picked. Fruits can be used in making desserts and juices. Since citrus fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, they are usually used to make fruit juices. Some are used as flavors for pies and jams.

Most vegetables were consumed when it is cooked. Although raw vegetables has great nutritional value, people tend to cook it first before they consume it. It is for the health safety of the person who consumes it. Cooking vegetables could lessen the bacterial acquisition in the body. If the body acquire bacteria from raw vegetables, it could lead to bacterial infection that may affect the digestive system of the body. It could cause indigestion and diarrhea.

We need to consume a lot of vegetables and fruits for much healthier future.