The Benefits Of Mountaineering

November 12, 2022 21,717 views

Mountaineering is the sport of climbing mountains. Mountaineering can be undertaken professionally or recreationally. With professional mountaineers often seeking more technical climbs, such as the North Face of the Eiger, for their chosen mountaineering objectives.

The benefits of mountaineering

1. You need to be fit and disciplined to climb mountains.

This is because you need to be able to go a long way and do hard work at high altitudes. It is not advisable to climb mountains unless you are fit and strong. If you just want to walk up a mountain for the view, climbing is not for you.

2. You need to have good outdoor skills.

If you are going to climb higher than walking level, it is best that you have some outdoor skills such as map reading and basic navigation at the very least. The chances of survival if something goes wrong increase with these skills.

3. You will get to see a beautiful landscape up close

Climbing a mountain can give you great views of valleys, lakes, and the surrounding countryside. Some people climb mountains just to enjoy the view. You might meet other walkers on the way, but at higher altitudes you are more likely to be by yourself. This can be peaceful and relaxing.

4. You need to be able to navigate

Navigation is essential in mountainous areas. The chances of survival will be slim if you get lost or your group splits up. If you get lost, the logical thing is to stay put and wait for someone else to find you, but there are no guarantees that this will happen. You should be able to navigate using the sun, stars and compass so that you can go in the right direction if you get lost.

5. You need physical stamina and strength for tackling steep slopes

Steep slopes are a serious challenge for mountaineers as they require energy for climbing them. Climbing a mountain means climbing several times up higher slopes before reaching the top again.